Picture of Aj. Pongrapee Kaewsaiha
by Aj. Pongrapee Kaewsaiha - Friday, 18 July 2014, 12:55 PM

Personal internet and registration accounts are now available for new students (code 57).


- Retrieve your internet and SSRU mail account (Account 1): --> (type your name in Thai)


- Access your SSRU mail inbox (use Account 1): --> https://mail.ssru.ac.th/


- Access the registration system and retrieve your registration account (Account 2): --> http://reg.ssru.ac.th/rg/ follow the instruction on that page to retrieve your account. Verify your personal information and complete the form "กรอกประวัตินักศึกษาใหม่".








used for




Contact person

Account 1 internet access,SSRU mail http://mail.ssru.ac.th  IT department, 2nd floor, building 31
Account 2 registration system http://reg.ssru.ac.th/rg/  One Stop Service, Office of the president
Account 3 Moodle, SSRUIC e-learning http://www.elic.ssru.ac.th/inter/elearning  P'Tong, IT staff room, Aj.Pongrapee Kaewsaiha