
Semester 2-2018

1. IBP2315 Macroeconomics

- TQF3
- Documents

2. IBP3434 Corporate Social Responsibility

- TQF3
- Documents

3. ICL1102 Communication in English

- TQF3
- Documents

Semester 1-2018

1. IBP2205 Microeconomics

- TQF3
- Document

2. IBP2313 Introduction to information System

- TQF3
- Document 

3. IGL1103 English composition for Daily Life

- TQF3
- Document

3. IAC2206

- TQF3


Semester 2-2017

1. IBP2315 Macroeconomics



2. IIB3439 Corporate Social Responsibility



3. ICL1102 Communication in English



Semester 1-2017

1. IBP2205 Microeconomics



2. IBP2313 Introduction to information System



3. IGL1103 English composition for Daily Life



Semester 3-2016

1. IIB2314 Introduction Management of Information Systems 

- TQF3

- Document

Semester 2-2016

1. IGS1102 Man and Global Socirty

- TQF3

- Document

2.IIB3436 Strategic Management

- TQF3

- Document

3. IHT3318 accounting and Finance for tour business


- Document

Last modified: Wednesday, 16 January 2019, 11:42 AM