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Picture of Pongrapee Kaewsaiha
Mini UKM 2019
by Pongrapee Kaewsaiha - Thursday, 8 August 2019, 2:31 PM
Mini UKM 2019

During 30 - 31 May 2019, Aj. Pongrapee Kaewsaiha and SSRUIC lecturers participated in the Mini UKM conference at the SSRU, Dusit campus. This is the 21st meeting of the university network aiming to exchange knowledge and develop the learning practice. Five groups were organized including:

  1. The instruction and evaluation of Morals and Ethics
  2. The development of successors to support the promotion of higher education quality
  3. Techniques for writing project proposals
  4. Professional teaching techniques
  5. The use of data and information to enhance education quality

Aj. Pongrapee Kaewsaiha was a part of the 5th group. Brainstorming results revealed key successes in using educational data and information as follows:

  1. Reduce data redundancy by sharing resources instead of making copies. Each type of data should have a specific devision who responsibles for collecting and storing data/information.
  2. Set access rights
  3. Data management policies should be issued from the administrative boards to assure the data accessibility, redundance, and security.
  4. Data should be updated regularly. Set up the update frequency for each type of data accordingly. For example, update TQF files at the beginning of each semester; update research information once per fiscal year.