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The Institute for The Promotion of Teaching Science and technology (IPST) Visited SSRUIC
by admin admin - Wednesday, 19 October 2016, 10:57 AM

Mr.Thomas B. Coreoran and delegation from the Institute for The Promotion of Teaching Science and technology (IPST) visited SSRUIC on 8th March 2016.0n this occasion, the Dean of SSRUIC -Asst.Prof. Dr.Krongthong Khairiree warmly welcomed the delegation from IPST. The purpose of the visit was to follow-up the collaboration of The Project for the Promotion of Science and Mathematics Talented Teachers (PSMT) and to see the facilities available on SSRUIC.


The meeting started with opening address by Asst. Prof. Dr.Krongthong Khairiree and also the education expertise- Mr.Thomas B. Corcoran, Co-director of the Consortium for Policy Research in Education at Teachers College, Columbia University joined the meeting and discussed by sharing the teaching experiences, Strategies to improve teaching as well as the advisement.