

 Organizational Behavior is a junior level management/general education diversity course. This course is required of all business majors. OB is the prerequisite for several of the management electives, including Human Resource Management, Interpersonal Relations, and Organizational Development.


Course description:


An analysis of human work behavior at the individual, interpersonal, team and organizational levels. Emphasis is on the development of interpersonal competencies to allow individuals to effectively work as managers or professionals in the rapidly changing, team-oriented, culturally diverse and technologically integrated global climate facing modern organizations. Includes topics such as personality and attitudes, perception and attribution, motivation, communication, work stress, group and team dynamics, leadership, decision making, quality, ethics, job and organization design, conflict management, organizational culture and politics, and organizational change. Varied classroom approaches include lectures, cases, team projects, presentations and other experiential training techniques.




Upon completion of this course, students will be able to complete the following key tasks:

1. To provide the student with a conceptual framework, based upon behavioral science research, for understanding human work behavior in the organizational setting.

2. To promote an awareness of, sensitivity to, and appreciation for the viewpoints of members of different sub-cultural groups within Thai society and across the globe, as they impact human behavior in the work setting.

3. To promote the development of the interpersonal competencies necessary for working effectively with members of the highly diverse Thai and global workforce, and thereby ensure the promotion of equity, opportunity, and justice for all members of the workforce.

4. To promote the development of responsible, professional behavior, both as an individual contributor and as a member of a team.

5. To heighten the student’s awareness of and planning for career alternatives in the future.

6. To promote the acceptance of personal as well as team responsibility for achievement.