Course Aim

 The course aims at helping learners to achieve an overall English language proficiency of Basic User defined as A2 level on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), developing social language functions such as greeting people, asking about work and free time, and making invitations..

Course Objectives

 The course is intended to accomplish its goal in one full academic module of 14 weeks through developing students’ language skills to:

 1. Read and understand simple texts and a range of high frequency vocabulary in context.

 2. Talk about aspects of personal and everyday life, using appropriate stress, intonation, and rhythm, and understand simple, spoken texts on familiar topics.

 3. Write simple cohesive paragraphs on familiar topics.

 4. Demonstrate some control of essential grammatical structures with occasional inconsistencies.

Course Aims

The course aims are to help students transfer from the school education system to the university education system helping them to achieve a basic level of English required to study in the international program .

Course Objectives

Participants will cover:

•        Background Information:  Name, address, family, describing people, personality appearance – clothes and interests.

•        Workplace: Location, talking about SSRU to visitors to the SSRU.

•        Job Roles: Talking about job roles and description, routines and time

•        Communication: Small talk and inter-cultural communication skills.

•        Thailand: Talking about Thailand to visitors to SSRU – food, culture, festivals, shopping, things to see and do.

•        Presentation skills – English EXPO